Zombiefest 2015

Now in our 6th year, Zombiefest will be held on April 25th. As is tradition, we shall commence with the Zombiewalk.

Anyone wishing to get some help with their costume should go along to Russell and Lorna's house at 22 Sandveien anytime from 9am that morning for some expert zombie make-up help. There will be cats and dogs present, so allergy sufferers, be warned!

Zombies wishing to participate in the Zombiewalk should assemble at 2pm on the 25th in the upper car park at Bolts, in Lerwick. From there we will shamble down the road as a mindless horde. There will be photos taken of the event, and a prize-giving for Best Costume, so pull out all the stops!

The walk will finish up with a film shoot for the new Semperfi music video in St. Magnus Street. This is a great chance to get your costume immortalised in the annals of rock history.

Afterwards, the festivities continue back at Sandveien for drinks and, weather permitting, a barbeque. Once the sun has set and the moon holds sway, the undead shamble into town, to feast.

While Zombiefest is not restricted to adults, we would advise that small children can be nervous around people in zombie costumes; you know your child best! If you think your children will enjoy having a look then come along!

The theme this year, if you need inspiration, is 'Rock & Roll Dead'.

Get shambling!

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