Friday 17 April 2015

Quick Recommendations

Good morning, Shamblers!

Apologies for the lack of posts; I'm currently in Coventry and haven't been able to write much, due to Coventry's ban on literature and typing. It's a by-law.

Full post later on, but since it's Friday night, here are some Zombie Recommendations to check out over the weekend:


The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead by Max Brooks.
Son of comic legend Mel Brooks, Max has carved out a niche for himself in popular culture with this amazing book. Dealing with Romero-style, 'infection' zombies, this guide tells you everything you need to know about choosing your fortification, weapons, team, training and methods of surviving in the post Z-Day. Available in hardback, paperback, audiobook (CD and download) and Kindle versions. A must-buy.


"Zombie Flesh Eaters" by Source. 

Zombie Flesh Eaters
Originally released as Zombi 2, Lucio Fulci's unofficial sequel to Night of the Living Dead (which was released as 'Zombi' in Italy) takes a very different approach to most early, post-Romero work. The setting is a sunny Caribbean island, the zombies are dried-out, dessicated and absolutely heinous to behold, and there's a legendary scene where a zombie fights a shark. There's another legendary scene involving a woman's eyeball but I shan't say more. An unusual but imaginative bit of zombisploitation that should be better known.


Marvel Zombies, Volume 1
Written by Robert Kirkman (of The Walking Dead fame) and Mark Millar (of Superman: Red Son/ Kick-Ass/ questionable views about rape fame) , this is exactly what you expect. Zombie outbreak in the Marvel Universe. One of the most interesting alternate-universe storylines that's not afraid to go totally nuts with a silly premise. You'll not see this adapted to the Marvel Cinematic Universe any time soon. A good read.


Dead Rising Collection
Capcom's other beloved zombie-smashing franchise is considerably more tongue-in-cheek than it's Resi predecessors but I'd argue it captures the gleeful, carefree post-zombie apocalypse ambience better than anything else. Want to put on a pretty dress, stick a cardboard box on your head and beat 200 zombies to death with a mannequin arm or shop till? Fill yer boots. I'll be writing a wee bit about Dead Rising a wee bit later on, but for now, enjoy the Collection set, which includes the first two games and DLC. Absoulte trapped-in-a-shopping-centre-like-Dawn-of-the-Dead-but-not-in-a-copyright-infringing-way-brain-whacking-splatterfest. Brutal and brilliant.

Board Games

Zombies!!! isn't the best boardgame in the world. It isn't even the best zombie themed boardgame in the world. Know what it is? Easy to play, a lot of fun and great with a pile of mates and some beers. Start in the centre of town, each turn a new tile is laid down, building up the map, and your survivors make their way through it to the helipad, which will turn up somewhere in the second half of the tiles. There are buildings you can enter to get health and ammo, and hundreds of zombies. You fight zombies by rolling a die: 5 or 6 is a hit and they're dead. Dead simple. The fun comes from the cards you use to mess up the other players; maybe you can move more zombies close to the blocking a retreat; maybe you can take control of them for a turn and send them into a building hoaching with shamblers. It's great fun. There's over a dozen expansions now (to include a prison, military base, sewers and circus), a several spin-offs; Humans!!! (where you play as zombies breaking into buildings to eat humans), Martians!!! (where there's an alien invasion) and, recently, Cthulhu!!! (where a Lovecraftian cult is setting about raising eldrich horror). All these expansions and spin-offs use largely the same rules and- get this-can ALL be integrated together into one colossal game, where some people play as human escaping from zombies (some of whom are played by other human players), martians and Cthulhu. Awesome and completely addictive. 

The police are at the door; somebody must have grassed up my typing this. Coventry is a cruel and unusual place. Have a good weekend, Shamblers!

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