Friday 10 April 2015

The Rising

Good morning, Shamblers.
Do you have time, this Easter season, to talk about the resurrection from death, afterlife everlasting, and the belief in the consumption of the flesh of another in order to achieve this salvation from oblivion and torment?

You do?

Marvellous. Let’s step inside. I have pamphlets. That’s right, I’m here to talk to you about Shetland Annual Zombiefest.

What did you think I wanted to talk about?

Over the last 6 years, the Z-Team has tried, slowly but surely, to expand this annual event into an open, welcoming celebration of one of modern society’s most influential and important pieces of popular culture; the Zombie. Zombies have, in the last several years, become an almost indispensable part of pop-culture, infecting every form of entertainment medium; from books to films, comics to games, TV to real life. We, at Z-Fest, want to celebrate this to its full; our very own Day of the Dead.

In order to ramp up to Z-Fest on the 25th of April, we are going to find and present zombie-related goodness to get everyone into the mood, and costume tips for turning out a good zombie on the day.

And as the Zombie Lord said to his baying horde; “Go forth and multiply!”

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